Call to schedule an appointment.
Fill out the required docuements with your information to move forward. (Our manager will tell you all this in detail)
Writing the evaluation, which takes between 7 to 10 business days, pages include the test results and what was discussed in the interview.
The therapist will then send you a copy of your evaluation electronically for you to review the information.
Interview with the therapist of approximately an hour and a half (we have availability in our offices or online)
Step five
Once the information has been reviewed, the therapist will send the complete evaluation to your lawyer/paralegal.
Legal guardians and lawyers tell us if something needs to be modified - we are always in the best position to do so and this is at no cost to you.
Application of psychological tests. These tests usually show the anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress, suffering, suffered by the process in which you have been and the consequences of a possible deportation.
We have an excellent relationship with your attorney and will do everything possible to deliver the evaluation with all information needed.
The process from your interview to delivery of the evaluation to your attorney/paralegal is approximately 10 business days.